Universal Credit Calculator

Universal Credit Calculator

March 11th 2013 4:07 pm


The Government is introducing a big change to the way welfare is administrated with the launch of Universal Credit next month ...


The Government is introducing a big change to the way welfare is administrated with the launch of Universal Credit next month. Designed to make being in work a more attractive proposition in comparison with the current system, which the Government argues can in circumstances make it more worthwhile to remain unemployed, Universal Credit merges the following benefits:
  • Means tested in and out of work benefits
  • Tax Credits
  • Housing Benefit
Launching from next month, April 2013, in Greater Manchester and Cheshire, it will be nationwide from October 2013 for new claimants and gradually phased in for others by 2017. With the 2013 Budget around the corner, we have created a Universal Credit Calculator for 2013 to illustrate the changes.

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